Thursday, April 17, 2014


   Photography: Hortencia Caires

This weekend I'm going to Pennsylvania (excited). I hope the weather will be warm because we might go to the ziplines or horseback riding if it is. The last time I was on a zipline it was embarrassing and ghetto. I went on one at the mall without my glasses, therefore it was unenjoyable. On top of that, I screamed my lungs off like an idiot in front of every one shopping at the mall. Why would any one choose to have a zipline ride at a mall anyway. Better yet why would any one choose to ride a zipline at a mall (ahem, me).

I'm wearing a favorite dress of mine I found at Forever 21. Some people hate that store, I personally love it. I understand fast fashion is not good for the economy, but if it weren't for fast fashion I would probably be like those cartoons we see on television wearing the same shirt every day.

Anyway, I hope every one has a good Easter this sunday!

Dress: Forever21
Sweater: Zara
Shoes: Cheap Monday

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